THE PATH AHEAD is a VR installation piece concerning the future of Los Angeles’ environmental and social landscape through the lens of Octavia Butler’s “Parable to Sower.” Virtual reality allows users to visualize and manipulate text in a tangible space, emphasizing the influence texts have on our past, present, and future. Based on these text-based choices, players speed through the decades to 2100, the projected “end of the line” for humanity - at which point they reach to one of ARUP’s four scenarios for Humanity - Post Anthropocene, Greentocracy, Extinction Express, or Humans Inc. Full Presentation can be viewed here.
Leads: Curtis Fletcher, Erik Loyer
Researchers: Cameron Roper, Faiz Ansari, Kevin Yin, Landin Green,
Pareena Padwal, Samir Ghosh, Sophie Shack

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